Saturday, January 31, 2009

Eighth Post. Heartworms

did this at lunch. pens. it was fun and easy. i didnt even think it looked like heartworms till someone said something. :P

shit if i keep posting imma run out of art lol.

::edit:: omg i just noticed that its slanted. blame the scanner.

Seventh Post. Unsafe Jellyfish

I like the other Jellyfish, so i went for a more realistic one this time. kind of spur-of-the-moment. oh, i think i'm gonna make one more jellyfish, but i'll use a picture as a reference. i wonder how much awesomer it will look...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sixth post. Safe Jellyfish

We had to make valentines day cards in class. after i was done, i had tons of free time, so i started doodling. this is what i came up with. i like it.

red 'n' black sharpie on cardstock. (which is tons better than regular paper)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fifth Post. Sketches and Otta

heheheh, i made "Otta" in my art class sorta by accident. i cut up a lot of stuff for a collage, and decided to put a baboon mouth on a bearded otter's body. spooky huh?

the sketches i did while watching a movie with Erica (my sister) i think it was "The Color Purple" but they were fun to do. idk why but using pen makes me draw differently..hmm

Monday, January 5, 2009

Fouth post. Sunflowers

well i'm in drawing class at school, so the teacher doesnt have to let me paint. she said that if i wanted to paint i'd have to paint her a picture first (and give her 5 bucks for materials) and that's where this came from. this is actually my first painting, it was tons harder than i thought but it was fun...

oh, the paper is just cardstock, and it warped a lot...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Third Post. 227

Another collage. i think i'm spent on collages. if i do any more, i'll start to hate them. i reckon i'll try a painting next. but anyway, this was made from the Jan 1st paper. so i guess it represents the new year.